– StudieBijbel – for every one who wants to deepen into the Bible!
J.C. Bette and G. van den Brink founded “Centrum voor Bijbelonderzoek” (CvB) in 1999. Centrum voor Bijbelonderzoek is a non-profit organization that helps believers learn more about the Bible by publishing Bible study materials in print and digital formats, based on the premise that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.
To accomplish its mission, CvB publishes the following: The StudieBijbel series (hard cover and app) and the StudieBijbel Magazine.
The StudieBijbel Magazine is a popular quarterly Bible study magazine for people who want to know more about the background of the Bible. It’s a magazine that gives you insight, intrigues you and challenges you to think further, written by authors of the StudyBible. The magazines are available as single issues, as subscriptions and now also as PDF files.
- The StudieBijbel Series:
StudieBijbel is a concept in which at least nine textbooks are combined in one complete reference system. It is a modern Bible commentary, presented in twenty-nine volumes; seventeen volumes comprise the New Testament (NT) and twelve of them incorporate the Old Testament (OT). It contains a verse-by-verse explanation, the original Bible text and a word-by-word translation (from Hebrew to Dutch and from Greek to Dutch and Spanish), different Bible translations, articles and word studies.
The signature of the series is evangelical-orthodox. It is available in two versions: hard cover books and web-based application
1. The hard cover Books consist of 29 books (17 New Testament and 12 Old Testament) and are available in Dutch only and printed on demand. Click here for more info.
2. The web-based application is available for online, Android and iOS usage. The app integrates the content of all 29-volume book series in a single application that can be used on a computer, and even without internet connection on smartphones and tablets. It offers extended search options, continuous updates, internal and external hyperlinks, multi-user application and much more.
The web-based application is available in two languages; Dutch (both NT and OT) and Spanish (NT only).
The Dutch version is called De StudieBijbel-app ((Study Bible-app) and there are 4 different packages available; Salomo (The complete Serie), Paulus (NT), Timotheus (limited NT and OT) and Grace (basic and free of charge). Download and registration are free of charge.
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Register here for Dutch version 
The Spanish version is called BibliaDeEstudio-app (Study Bible-app) and it is offered free of charge (download, registration and content). The intention and aim is to support as many Spanish-speaking believers and pastors (especially in Latin American countries) as possible. At the moment BibliaDeEstudio only contains the New Testament. However, as a team we are working hard to complete the Old Testament translations as well.
Are you or do you know someone (or a church) in a Latin American country that could make good use of this app? Then please mail to info@bibliadeestudio.org or register yourself via:
Register here for Spanish version
As a non-profit organisation, we are partly dependent on donations. Therefore, we are always looking for a financially responsible way to achieve our mission so that many people can be blessed by it. Your cooperation helps us to translate, update, improve and distribute BibliaDeEstudio in Latin America free of charge.
Would you like to support this mission financially? – You can do so via NL82 RABO 0377 0937 42 – Stichting tot Bevordering van Bijbelonderwijs (SBBO is ANBI geregistreerd). Please mention here: “Gift for Centrum voor Bijbelonderzoek”. Or, become a contributor and make the work on the Study Bible possible for a longer period of time.
Click here to became a contributor